Queue is limited to a max of 50% of a production run
Our products are made in Northern California in a small extra room converted into a studio. They are custom produced by a 2 person team with a little assistance, from time to time, not 'drop-shipped' from a factory in some far-off land. As such, we don't have factory capacity, but we do have experience with expectation management, and serving people fairly and honestly.
Here's how it works: We continuously produce RSK202/1 kits from our supply of raw materials, and ahead of the launch secured multiple supply chains, produced a backlog of kits, and secured the ability to double our production within about 10 days, if needed, without passing any costs on to you...or reducing the quality of the product.
Things to note: When we stop selling and switch to Pre-Ordering, we have not completely run out of product. Sales are temporarily halted to move extra kits into the sales queue, after filling the portion of the next production run that was allocated in pre-orders. The expected time between runs is days, not weeks or months. Kits will be shipped as continuously as possible, multiple times per week.
Here's an example – Say a "run" is 50 kits. At least 75 will be produced, with 50 for immediate sale, with the remainder being either moved into "pre-sales" for packaging for the next batch while that batch is being produced. The goal here is to not get a "crowdsourcing" situation where people feel that they are "financing" production and R&D. That's not what is happening here.
Everyone likes Free Advertising, don't get us wrong. But ya know what people really dislike? Paying for something and being made to wait and wait, while youTubers flaunt their "early access". We've all seen it time and time again. You won't see that here. Here is our pledge to you, our customer, in plain English:
"No Social Media influencer, No Reviewer, No Press, will ever get an order in place of a customer's order. Ever. No Exceptions"
What we have instead, is an allotment "set aside" composed of production-quality "overruns"* that are assembled into kits, specifically for purchase† by reviewers and social media. These compose less than 1-1.5% of a typical run, and are not counted as "inventory". Entities wishing to purchase a kit via this channel should click/tap here to request information concerning requirements for ordering.