What and Who is RnSK

Ronin no Sakura Kai Softronics is an independent software vendor and development operation that has operated in various forms since 2001.

The brainchild of its principal. Kai Cherry, RnSK has developed, ported, and distributed, individually and in concert with others over the years, everything from unix command line utilities, PSP transcoding and utility software, virtual pinball enhancements, home arcade utilities including dynamic LCD marquees, games, graphics and incidental music...to software to unlock phones and digital ticketing innovations.

RnSK projects are targeted to niche segments of markets that are not served by "typical offerings" available.

We Like These Things

Maybe You Will, Too...

Makers of high-quality LED and LCD dynamic marquees for arcade cabinets, and more.  These are for the folks that want that 'extra something' that makes their cab stand out. Works with the major "Front Ends" across multiple platforms. Supports MiSTer, too!

MiSTer fpga

It's what we made the case for. MiSTer changes the dynamic for retro. There is nothing that can be said here that adequately describes our enthusiasm for MiSTer, or the breadth and depth of knowledge housed at the official MiSTer website.

World of VPX

Commentary–free looks at the latest VPX (and sometimes Future Pinball, too) pinball table simulation releases.