It absolutely is. Months of R&D, materials testing, supply chain's all very real, as is the result :)
The RSK202/1 is produced in Northern California, out of an old bedroom turned into a studio.
The kits are made by RnSK. The acrylics, wood, are manufactured in the USA fully. The majority of the parts are sourced from US suppliers. A small subset or the hardware we source directly from overseas (cabling, hardware) because "passing the domestic cost on to you" was not acceptable at the price.
Well..."We wanted a case as nice as the MiSTer is" isn't just a 'slogan''s really why the RSK202-series was created. Something that was "more like a computer" on the desk, more like a "component" when it's in the "entertainment center"...something "beyond functional" – something nice.
Simply and frankly, reduced cost to you, and reduced time to get it to you. As there is no "factory" here for fabrication and assembly, the cost to do it that way, potential shipping damage coverage, "dimensional weight" rules would have simply made it more expensive targeted for people. Many revisions, supplier switches, etc went into keeping the Signature Series pricing where it is.
Around 30 minutes of your time, glue, a small hex key. Here, the adhesive of choice is Gorilla Super Glue "Micro Precise" as the glue comes in a hard plastic case applicator. To dispense the glue, thru the long, thin nozzle the side "buttons" are squeezed. This setup makes the process easier, especially if you have unsteady hands.
Assembled, appx. 9" wide, 5.25" deep, 3" high. It is both "bigger than" and "smaller than" it looks.
Yes. All of the "typical" ports have direct access: All 7 USB ports on the official hub, micro SD card ports, Sync Switch , Ethernet, micro usb, etc.
HDMI is available on the rear via the supplied port extension hardware. There is a hole for mounting the barrel jack of the non-switched power splitter. The switched version can be passed thru the cutout supplied on the back, as well as any other custom/additional cabling.